This compelling true story chronicles the life of Paul, a boy who overcame extreme adversity to find redemption and success. Born into poverty in 1960s England, Paul's early years were marred by abuse, both physical and emotional, at the hands of
his mother and her boyfriends.
55 year old empty nester—and freshly retired FBI agent—Kate Wise finds herself drawn out of her quiet suburban life when her friend’s daughter is murdered in a home invasion—and she is implored to help.
Jayson Cook is reaping the rewards of a flourishing law practice in Boston. However, his comfortable life is turned upside down after he agrees to represent Brian Stone, a white supremacist charged with planting a bomb that destroyed an inner
city church, killing a twelve-year-old black girl.
Anna is a jiu-jitsu black belt. She’s used to showing students that physical size and strength aren’t enough to win. But when her dad is shot dead in front of her eyes, Anna finds herself in a deadly conspiracy with a powerful murderer at the center.