Stricken with a sudden onset of color blindness, a struggling florist starts to lose all hope. After winning a gigantic Powerball lottery, he travels to Paris, France for a life changing operation to try and regain his sight. At the Vision Institute he learns that the highly experimental procedure will
reroute his optic nerve impulses directly through his heart for a period of one complete year.As Morgan Hunter starts to see the world through his heart instead of his eyes, he meets the woman of his dreams only to lose her when his normal eyesight returns.
Seasons of the Heart: A Collection of Poetry is a soul-stirring collection of intimate poems addressing matters of abandonment, abuse, rejection, and loss. These writings are relatable and will touch your heart leaving you feeling inspired.
Kandy "Action" Dreeson of SFPD homicide gets a quirky partner when Qigiq moves south from Alaska to immerse himself in all things digital, keenly aware that even a 30-something detective is soon obsolete in the rampant world of hi-tech crime.
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