Ever wondered how to master your home's heating and air conditioning for year-round comfort? Are you finding yourself lost in a maze of HVAC terms and diagrams? Fear no more!
In Neil's mind it started with the man in the park. Or, more specifically, with the vicious bite the man had given Neil. He was wrong about that. The December Plague had started weeks earlier, though no one knew it.
In New York, Walt Lawson is about to lose his girlfriend Vanessa. In Los Angeles, Raymond and Mia James are about to lose their house. Within days, none of it will matter.
In October 1939, Albert Einstein warns President Franklin D. Roosevelt that Nazi Germany is actively pursuing an atomic bomb and urges him to make sure that the United States develops the bomb first. Roosevelt heeds the warning and launches the “Manhattan Project” in June 1942.
Fall in love with nine independent brides and nine rugged ranchers in this sweet & clean, historical Christian romance series, full of action, danger, adventure & cowboys with heart.
She always knew her father had a secret. But all of God’s earth to Tina are the streams for fishing, the fields for planting and harvesting--a world snugly enclosed by the blue-misted Smokies. Other than the seasons, nothing ever changed.