Within the first three years of marriage, partners state near perfection. Both statistics and mythology mark this time frame as a defining moment for relationships as they begin to take on more
responsibility, as children enter the picture, and daily stressors take hold. But what happens when love leaves and the passion dies? Does real love simmer underneath it all?
No Rules: A Memoir takes readers on a journey during the early 1970s, when women’s lives were dramatically changing. Winner of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards for Historical Memoir, No Rules
provides a vivid account of life among the hippies as a young female runaway, who awakens to feminism at a pivotal time in history.
Retire rich and spend it all. Or create lasting wealth for your family as a first-generation millionaire. Or simply get a good night’s sleep because you are finally in control of your
A Christian romantic suspense with a small town in the cross hairs of a ruthless man, a woman in danger, a doctor who will give anything to protect his town and keep her safe.
What can a traitor assassin do against a dragonlord liar? When assassin Semra Bandaka learns that the dragonlord who raised her isn’t purging evil from the world but is evil itself, she risks everything
to expose him before the kingdom falls.
Homicide Detective John Cooper has always followed the evidence to solve any case; that is until a mysterious caller begins to make him question that evidence. With the murder cases he has been working
on already solved, John wonders what the phone calls have to do with them. The evidence clearly proves the guilt of those involved, but the calls make him begin to question his findings, as well as himself - for the first time in his career.
As Russia and China prepare to launch a war against the United States, a sleepy American administration is slow to respond. Will they wake up in time to save the country? Or will the nation collapse
into the jaws of the Russian bear and the Chinese dragon? Begin this faith-filled series today!
The Karmaeleon Trilogy is a psychological, suspenseful romance that will keep you guessing right to the last page. There’s no escaping the truth of this story. People may try to hide, but as the heroine
of this story knows, you can’t run from the facts forever. And in typical Stella Knights fashion, there are plenty of button-popping steamy scenes.