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Jan 16, 2023
Break Out Of Burnout
by S D Publishing
Overworked? Discover 7 steps to break free from a workaholic mentality, recover from burnout, and unlock untold happiness without giving up on your dreams. Burnout isn't simply about being tired; it is
a multifaceted issue that requires dynamic solutions. Discover the key to a self-liberating journey filled with all the success you desire in life.
In this book, I'm going to give you the tools to turn your unexpected transition into a fulfilling self-transformation. Are you ready to examine the places you're feeling stuck and
create a plan for getting unstuck?
This book will teach you about the aura, the energetic body, and all about our energetic parts. It will teach you simple skills, with which you will be able to balance yourself and live a healthier,
happier, more serene and fulfilled life.
This apocalyptic thriller takes place in the near future, it isn't science fiction, it's 'faction', and all the more chilling because you won't find zombies here, or people suddenly endowed with super
powers, just a cast of realistic characters struggling with the challenging events that overtake their lives.
The pen is mightier than the sword. The brush beats both. Imagine having the ability to paint any world you like and then walk inside it. With a moneygrubbing father and obnoxious mother, young Jack
hasn't had an easy childhood. But when he's invited to compete in a painting contest hosted by the legendary Dante De Luca, his life becomes remarkable.
What if humanity didn't start on Earth..? An incredible discovery deep inside the Great Pyramid, a mysterious signal sent from the Bermuda Triangle, and a ruthless experiment taking place in Area 51:
How are they all connected?
The story of Rahab comes to us through Joshua. Forty years of wandering have brought the children of Israel to their Promised Land, now controlled by the peoples of Canaan. This remarkable story tells
of Jewish spies and their unexpected saving. There is a call and a reason to answer. Through it all, the hand of God moves not only nations to war, but individuals to great risks and greater rewards.
Sage possesses a forceful energy for good and evil. Crew untapped powers are growing stronger by the day. Survival will demand they rely on each other.